On the procedure for migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation

Compliance with the rules of migration registration of foreign citizens established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, deadlines for the provision and receipt of necessary documents is equally the responsibility of both foreign students /guests and the host departments of the Academy.
The issues of the legal status and migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation are regulated by the following basic laws and regulations:
  • Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 25.07.2002 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation"
  • Federal Law No. 109-FZ dated 18.07.2006 "On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation"
  • other laws and by-laws, as well as technical and administrative regulations of local authorities in the field of migrations
Failure to comply with the established rules of migration registration is a violation of the laws of the Russian Federation and the Internal Regulations of the MVA named after K.I. Skryabin and may entail disciplinary and administrative liability in the form of a fine in accordance with art.18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, expulsion from MVA named after K.I. Skryabin, deportation from the Russian Federation with a ban on re-entry. 

Attention! On July 8, 2018, Federal Law No. 163-FZ of 27.06.2018 entered into force. According to the new law, all foreign citizens must be registered for migration (registered) strictly at the address of the actual residence!

We ask you to pay attention to the issues of migration registration!

This means the following:

  • If you live in a private apartment (rent; live with friends or relatives) – the owner of this apartment is obliged to register you for migration at the apartment address! Before moving into an apartment, signing a rental agreement and paying rent, check with the apartment owner whether he is ready to regularly register you at the apartment address and whether he has all the necessary documents.
  • If you live in the dormitory of the MVA named after K.I. Skryabin, migration registration is still carried out by the academy. The registration address will now correspond to the address of the hostel where you live.
Important: if you have signed a contract of employment and registered in a hostel, but do not actually live there, this is a violation of the law!

The Academy is obliged to remove you from the migration registration in the hostel after 3 days of absence there. 

If you plan to be absent from the hostel for more than 3 days, please inform the commandant and the Department of International Relations (DIR) by email dec_inostr@mgavm.ru

It should also be borne in mind that if you live somewhere in Russia for more than 3 days after the hostel, you must register for migration at a new residence address. 

Extension of the registration period

To extend the period of migration registration, a foreign student must submit the following documents to the DIR 20 calendar days before its completion:

  • copies of all (including blank) passport pages,
  • original and 1 copy of the tear-off part of the form of notification of arrival of a foreign citizen (registration),
  • original and 1 copy of the migration card.
The documents must be submitted personally to the DIR during office hours at the address: 23 Akademika Skryabina str., office 130 

Extension of the validity period of the study visa

Only study visas are subject to renewal. Humanitarian (NTS), private and tourist visas are not extended. All international students from visa-free countries first receive a single-entry visa for a period of 90 days, which we will help extend almost immediately after the start of their studies. Documents for visa extension are submitted to the DIR 20 working days before the expiration of a single-entry visa. 

Important! Please do not plan any trips outside of Russia in the first 2-3 months of your studies at the Academy before obtaining a multiple-entry visa.   

To extend the visa, you must submit the following documents:

  • original passport,
  • copies of all (including blank) passport pages,
  • original and 1 copy of the migration card + 1 copy,
  • one 3x4 sm photo, color, on a neutral background,
  • the state fee for the extension of the study visa (1920 rubles). 

Departure abroad, change of place of residence, trip to another city in Russia

If you are planning or have already committed:

  • moving to another place of residence in Moscow (to another hostel, to a private apartment, to a hotel or hostel, etc.),
  • a trip to another city in Russia with accommodation in a hotel / hostel / private apartment
  • travel outside the Russian Federation due to vacations, personal circumstances, expulsion from the Academy or for other reasons, be sure to inform the Department of International Relations in any available way!
We will check the need to reissue your migration registration documents so that you will not have any problems in the future. 

If, when traveling to another city in Russia, you stayed in a hotel / hostel / private apartment and registered there, you are obliged to inform the DIR about this and provide the DIR with the original registration formalized during the trip after returning to the hostel MVA named after K.I. Skryabin. 

If you have left the Russian Federation for any reason, upon returning to the territory of the Russian Federation on the day of arrival or before 11:00 on the next business day, you must submit to the DIR a standard set of documents for initial migration registration. 

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