Currently the Faculty of Animal Technology and Agribusiness prepares bachelors in the field of training 36.03.02 "Zootechnics" on the basis of fundamental biological and animal engineering disciplines. The duration of the bachelor's degree program is 4 years full-time and 5 years in extramural form of study.

The field of professional activity of bachelors includes productive and unproductive animal husbandry and processing of livestock products. The objects of professional activity of bachelors are all types of farm animals, domestic and commercial animals (birds, animals, bees, fish); technological processes of production and primary processing of livestock products; feed and feed additives and technological processes of their production.

There are the Scientific study groups working at all departments of the faculty. This allows students to join the research work earlier and subsequently complete the final qualification work on a relevant topic.

Undergraduate students in the third and fourth years begin to study the disciplines of their choice in the following areas:

  • DNA technologies in animal husbandry;
  • bioinformatic analysis in genetics;
  • modern animal husbandry practices;
  • modern horse breeding practices;
  • modern feed production and animal feeding practices;
  • modern sheep farming practices;
  • modern poultry farming practices;
  • modern fish farming practices;
  • modern cattle breeding practices.
The final state certification of a bachelor's degree candidate includes the defense of a final qualifying work (thesis) and obtaining a diploma of higher education.

Bachelor in the field of training 36.03.02 "Zootechnics" is prepared for the following types of professional activities: engineering and manufacturing, organizational and managerial activities and scientific research. 


The Faculty of Animal Technology and Agribusiness prepares holders of a master's degree in the field of training 36.04.02 "Zootechnics". The duration of the master’s degree program is 2 years full-time and 2,5 years in extramural form of study. The master's degree program is conducted according to 4 educational programs:

  1. Genetics and animal breeding;
  2. Ecology, zoo-hygiene and animal biosafety;
  3. Innovative technologies for keeping and feeding animals;
  4. Bioengineering and bioinformatics.
The final state certification of the master's degree candidate includes the defense of the final qualifying work (master's thesis work) and obtaining a diploma of complete higher education. 

Holders of a master's degree prepare to solve the tasks of professional activities of the following types: engineering and manufacturing, organizational and managerial activities, scientific and educational activities. 

The 8 departments of the faculty take part in the implementation of educational programs:

  1. Department of Genetics and breeding of animals named after V.F. Krasota;
  2. Department of Zoo-hygiene and poultry farming named after A.K. Danilova;
  3. Department of Feeding and feed production;
  4. Department of Zootechnics;
  5. Department of Economics and digital technologies in agriculture;
  6. Department of Foreign and Russian languages;
  7. Industrial Department "Genetic technologies in animal husbandry" at the Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst;
  8. Industrial Department "Advanced technologies in poultry farming" at the Federal Scientific Center "All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Farming". 


After graduating from the academy, the most hardworking and passionate students can go in for teaching or science by entering a postgraduate training program.
The training of scientific or scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies is conducted in the following scientific specialties:

  • 4.2.2 Sanitation, hygiene, ecology, veterinary and sanitary expertise and biosafety;
  • 4.2.4 Zootechnics, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products;
  • 4.2.5 Breeding, artificial selection, genetics and biotechnology of animals;
  • 4.2.6 Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fishing. 

The faculty has two leading scientific units. They are "International Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Genomics of Poultry" and "Scientific Center for Animal Nutrition and Feed Expertise "Megamix".