In the modern conditions of a rapidly developing agro-industrial complex, the FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ECOLOGY trains highly qualified specialists with competencies:

  • in the field of development and industrial production of veterinary biologics using microbiological synthesis, biocatalysis, genetic engineering and nanobiotechnology;
  • in the field of industrial pharmacy, in the development and control of biosafety of new medicines, as well as research using living organisms and biological systems at various levels of the organization.
  • in the field of developing modern technologies for the production of healthy food products and assessing their quality, as well as preserving the basic properties of raw materials and products of animal origin; - in the field of organization of production and processing of livestock and fish farming products, as well as food expertise, quality and safety management;


The faculty has a modern material and technical equipment. The specialized laboratories of the faculty are equipped with modern instruments and technological installations.

Practice-oriented and project-based training is conducted at the faculty. Game, project and research methods of learning. Individual learning paths, academic mobility, internships abroad. Students participate in Olympiads, competitions and conferences, combine full-time study with independent work on online platforms. Students of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Ecology undergo various types of internships and internships at leading enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, and there is also an opportunity to practice for foreign students at enterprises in their country.